Monday, September 29, 2008

Schedule Breaks

My thanks to Jodeen for the following tip:

In class, after introducing a new technique or concept that challenges the students to go beyond their skill level, I like to schedule "breaks." This usually turns out to be a class period when I try to schedule about three different activities that are fun and don't require heavy concentration. Some of the activities include:

1. showing a film that pertains to something we've been studying (even if it "remotely" pertains)

2. using icebreaker games, and if applicable, regrouping students for the game so that they interact with people they don't usually group with

3. playing other games that I have invented that pertain to our lessons but don't require assessment

4. reading aloud to the class

5. having the class free write on a topic we don't usually study--a current event, perhaps, or something funny--and then having a large discussion

6. drawing, or inventing cartoons that visually demonstrate a concept we've been learning about

I also try to schedule break times after they have just handed in a major assignment or project that they've been working hard on. Scheduling breaks gives all of us a bit of downtime.

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