Friday, February 29, 2008


How do you treat your students?

I have no doubt that most of us treat our students with respect, but what happens when a student doesn't show us respect back?

It's too easy to say, "They're not showing me respect, and therefore, they no longer have any reason to receive it from me." Easy, but is that the right attitude?

At one of my previous schools, one of my faculty lost it. A student failed to show her any respect, and the instructor snapped, calling the student a "bitch."

That may be an extreme example, but we don't need to call students names to show disrespect and unprofessional behavior. Acts of disrespect can be a lot more subtle than that.

We're in positions of responsibility, and we can't afford to lose our cool.

The following link provides ten ways to show respect, and I'll add some thoughts to each:

1. Listen harder
Listen not only to what your students are saying, but try to understand where they're coming from. Listen to what they don't say. Display empathy.

2. Be considerate
We all have tough days, but don't ever take it out on your students. And, I've found if you're having a really tough day, it's a good idea to let your students know. You don't have to get personal, but it's important to let them know when you're having a tough time outside of the classroom.

3. Keep your promise
If you make a deadline to return assignments, be sure it's realistic. Always keep your word.

4. Be on time
This shows that you care about your students' time.

5. Have manners
Nothing wrong with saying "please" and "thank you." Ever have an instructor that called all of their students "Mr." or "Ms"? I always thought that was kind of cool.

6. Encourage
Always. Don't ever stop.

7. Be fair
This one's tough. Can you be fair and flexible at the same time with deadlines, for example? I like to encourage flexibility, but flexibility can be "fair" too, as long as you're being flexible with everyone.

8. Go out of your way
A student can't meet during office hours? Arrange a different time.

9. Preserve dignity
Never let them see you sweat. Always remember to be the professional that you are.

10. Do Not Assume
Easy to say, harder to practice.

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