Thursday, May 1, 2008

Learning Circles

What is a Learning Circle?
A Learning Circle is a series of discussions, demonstrations, reports on readings and presentations through which the members of the Learning Circle share their knowledge and experience, learn new information and apply and test new skills. It is:

• A small informal group that meets to study a subject or body of knowledge of interest to its members

• A way of structuring a series of small group meetings to draw on the knowledge and experience of a group of people

Why use a Learning Circle?
• A Learning Circle makes learning more efficient, since reports, demonstrations and teaching experience are shared among the members of the circle.

• A Learning Circle provides an interactive learning situation. Teaching and training involve communication with people, and it is difficult to develop skills without a group of people to offer constructive criticism.

• A Learning Circle gives essential feedback to learners from colleagues who are working on the same body of skills and information, and whose suggestions on techniques and resources are hence particularly valuable.

• A Learning Circle offers the opportunity to organize demonstrations and workshops for which numbers of people are necessary.

How do Learning Circles work?
A group of people comes together to examine an issue or body of knowledge in which they are interested. After some initial planning, the group sets up a series of meetings (normally six to ten) with a specific (set of) goal(s) that the members of the group wish to accomplish through the meetings.

Century College Link to Teaching Circles: Includes some very good templates that may serve as a future reference.{CEDD251E-D8F8-41F8-AC66-A2851ACCA647

1 comment:

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